Former football player charged with drug crimes

On Behalf of | Jan 31, 2018 | Drug Crimes |

A former running back for a state football team is in hot water following his arrest by local authorities for suspected drug-related activity. The man and a friend have been charged with drug crimes by Arkansas police after an executed search warrant allegedly uncovered incriminating evidence of drug use. If convicted, both individuals could face jail time. 

According to the police report, officers responded to a hotel in Fayetteville after calls were made complaining of a strong odor of marijuana emanating from the room. Officers arrived the morning of Jan. 15 and informed the 37-year-old man and his 32-year-old female companion that they had secured a warrant to search the room for drugs. Police say they found what they believe to be marijuana and methamphetamine in the room, as well as Diazapam and drug paraphernalia. 

Further warrants were obtained for the woman’s car and another hotel room rented in her name. Police say they turned up more drugs as well as a handgun. After identifying the woman as a formerly-convicted felon, both individuals were arrested. Their charges include possession with intent to deliver, illegal possession of a firearm, as well as a failure to appear misdemeanor charge for a prior offense. They were scheduled to appear in court on Jan. 19.

Drug crimes are dealt with harshly by the state of Arkansas, but the rule of law is still of paramount importance. This means the prosecution must proceed with the legal presumption that both individuals are innocent until — and only if — proven guilty; in other words, the burden of proof lies with prosecutors to provide compelling evidence of their guilt. Each of the accused individuals will be separately represented by criminal defense attorneys who will scrutinize the facts of the case as part of their larger goal of building a successful defense against these charges. 

Source:, “Ex-Hog arrested on drug charges“, Tom Murphy, Jan. 17, 2018