When a friend or family member approaches you about potentially carrying out a certain action, you may want to give the proposal some thought. If the situation involves possibly breaking the law in relation to drug activity, you may wonder whether the risks are worth the possible reward. What you may want to remember, however, is that even if you do not complete the act in question, you could still face charges for drug conspiracy.
You may feel uncertain about what a conspiracy charge really means and how you could face the possibility for punishment even if you did not complete the alleged act. Confusion surrounding this type of charge is understandable, and, therefore, you may want to obtain more information on such allegations, especially if police bring them against you.
Elements of conspiracy
For a conspiracy to have taken place, the presence of various elements must exist. The first aspect relates to you and another party coming to an agreement to carry out the proposed act or for you to take some part in the completion of the act. The agreement does not have to stand as a verbal or straightforward acceptance. For instance, if police suspect that drug-related activity is taking place and an investigation reveals that you attended planning meetings to carry out the crime, authorities may consider you a conspirator.
It may help you to know that a general association with someone committing a crime does not necessarily mean you are a conspirator. However, if evidence exists that you may have taken some part in the process, you could face charges.
Aside from an agreement, intent to commit the crime must also exist. For example, you may have purchased items necessary to cultivate, manufacture or distribute drugs. This act could show your intent to help complete the alleged crime. On the other hand, if someone tells you that he or she plans to commit a drug-related crime, and you do not take any action yourself or agree to help, you should not be considered a conspirator.
Defending against drug conspiracy charges
Because conspiracy charges can seem complicated and could also come coupled with other allegations, you may wonder how to best handle the situation if police charge you. Fortunately, you have various options for gaining information and determining the best defense strategies for your case. Exploring information from your local Arkansas legal resources may act as a viable place to start.