Just because you do not intentionally set out to commit credit card fraud does not mean that you should rule out the possibility of ever facing charges of fraud. Are there instances of accidental card misuse?
GOBankingRates explores how consumers may commit unintentional card fraud. Ignorance of the law may not absolve you of breaking the law.
Disputing legal charges that you made
Do you shop right before bed when fatigue sets in? Or perhaps you make a lot of daily purchases on your card. Either way, you may notice a charge on your credit card statement that you do not recognize, leading you to dispute the transaction. Before asking for a refund, research the company name on the statement, as many businesses have different names on credit card statements.
Tweaking the truth on credit card applications
You may not think much about exaggerating your income on credit card applications, especially because credit card companies do not verify the information. Increasing your income may seem like a minor infraction, but the legal system labels it as fraud. You do not want to endure probation, fines or jail time because you did not want to provide accurate numbers.
Using another person’s credit card
Your friend or significant other may lend you a credit card for a minor purchase, but you should not make any other purchases with that card. If the other person learns of your unauthorized card use and you do not take care of the charge, she or he may take legal action against you by claiming credit card fraud. In the end, you may land in jail or pay a fine.
Think twice about using a credit card in a way that may skirt fraudulent activity. An innocent mistake could make you guilty in the eyes of the law.