When can you be arrested for credit card fraud?

On Behalf of | Jun 28, 2024 | Criminal justice |

Credit card fraud is a serious offense in Arkansas, and understanding when the police can arrest you for this crime is crucial. Several scenarios can lead to an arrest for credit card fraud.

Unauthorized use of a credit card 

If you use someone else’s credit card without their permission, you can face criminal charges. This includes stealing a card, using a lost or stolen card, or making purchases with a counterfeit card. The police can arrest you if evidence shows you intentionally used the card without authorization.

Fraudulent application for a credit card 

Applying for a credit card using false information, such as a fake name, address, or social security number, constitutes credit card fraud. If the authorities discover your fraudulent application, they can arrest you. This also applies if you knowingly provide false information to obtain credit.

Possession of stolen or counterfeit credit cards 

Merely possessing stolen or counterfeit credit cards can lead to an arrest in Arkansas. If the police find you with multiple cards that aren’t yours or appear fake, they have probable cause to charge you with credit card fraud.

Internet and mail fraud

Another way to get arrested is by using the Internet or mail to commit credit card fraud. This includes phishing schemes, hacking to obtain credit card information, or using stolen card information for online purchases. Federal authorities may also get involved if the crime crosses state lines.

Evidence of intent to defraud 

The police need evidence showing you intended to defraud the cardholder or the credit card company. Types of evidence can include surveillance footage, witness testimonies, or a paper trail of fraudulent transactions. Without intent, proving credit card fraud becomes challenging.

Responsible credit card use can help you avoid potential arrests. Always be aware of the serious consequences of credit card fraud and the importance of using financial information in a legal way.